Sunday, September 6, 2009

No man can change his destiny

Today is Sep 7. Three years ago this day was a thriller. Why? This was the very first day in my college. Days, for sure are moving fast. Three years passed by. What did I learn? Perhaps the answer for this question is nothing. These three years were full of fun with a hell lotta friends. Sitting, chatting, dawdling around in and outside the campus is all we did. But indeed I learned many things which are essential for life other than Academics. Okays! That is enough. Let us enter into the main topic. I have always wondered if our life is pre-written!

Do you believe in something called ‘Destiny’? Well, I do. How many of you know that we ran all day trying to change our destiny? And still are running. When you don’t prepare for the flood in future, you will pay for your carelessness. But my point is that you are careless because it is your destiny. You all know that the death is inevitable, so as destiny. It is such a predicament which causes pain in our life. Of course, the same is the reason for our happiness.

The first major blunder in my life is that when I decided to do Engineering under Anna University. I should have been insane to make this decision. Engineering was one of the high sounded courses then. But now I understand the fact that it was the only course which sounded like bull-shit. To pursue Engineering under Anna University is my destiny. So was it my blunder?

These three years, books seemed to be nothing but bull-shit. People who have retentive mind gets through the Exams. The other kind, which is the majority, fails to produce the desired result. It is so unfair. It is, of course my destiny to stay low in the midst of those who indeed have higher potential to do stuffs.

People try to run away from their destiny. For instance, take the swine flu which is currently highly pandemic. People take all kind of insane decisions to prevent this. About a month ago we, along with another department students planned on a tour to Delhi. At the spur of the moment the other class decided not to come. Reason? Swine flu. Ass-holes!!They wanted to stay home to prevent the infection. They didn’t understand that if their destiny is to die of swine flu, they surely will, no matter how wary they are. So why did they turn ass-holes? Because, they were destined to be ass-holes. I would rather put the words as ‘It was their destiny to stay in home fearing death'. So why did I abuse those students?!!?!My apologies to them. I deplore for my mistake.

How pathetic we humans are? We are mere puppets in the hands of destiny. If such destiny exists, who creates this destiny? Is that someone you call as God? This again contradicts my hypothesis. So can humble prayers make God change your destiny? What does this mean? Can we change our destiny? I am confused. This cycle doesn’t change. Again I start my run trying to change my destiny. This is MY DESTINY.